Root Stimulator Usefulness

Root stimulator applications encourage tree root development but specifically fine root hair development. A fall application should limit nitrogen as excessive nitrogen can upset the tree’s natural cycle into winter dormancy.The main difference between root stimulator applications and deep root fertilization is that a root stimulator uses little to no iron and nitrogen.  In certain situations,  a root […]

Brown spots on your lawn

This time of year, you may be noticing the development of rings or dollar-sized brown spots on your lawn. This is referred to as ring spot or dollar spot and more formally as Necrotic ring spot (NRS).NRS is a disease of lawns that creates dollar-coined-sized or larger circles of dead grass throughout your lawn. It is […]

2018 High Plains Drought Conditions Intensifying

Drought is tightening its grip across the Southwest and High Plains regions as extreme-dry conditions spread throughout the area, per NOAA’s High Plains Regional Climate Center data released May 8th. On the southern high plains, Oklahoma remains ground zero for the worst drought conditions in the United States; about 20 percent of the state is facing “exceptional drought” […]

Loveland: Proactive monitoring for EAB

Loveland sets traps to monitor emerald ash borer Each year, for the past seven years, Loveland parks staff have placed traps in strategic areas to monitor whether the emerald ash borer has arrived in the city. Again, 10 traps were being placed Monday. The pest has not been confirmed anywhere in Larimer County, in traps […]

Winter Care Tips for Colorado Landscapes

 Perennials and other landscaping plants are better able to tolerate winter conditions when they’re well prepared. Try the tips below to keep your property in peak form come spring! Winter watering is key for our Colorado climate. Most homeowners realize the need for watering trees in the growing season, but it’s just as important during the winter […]

Questions to Ask When Hiring a Tree Services Company

You’re searching to hire a tree service.Amazingly, everyone advertises that no job is too big or too small. They all have great reviews on Yelp. They’re all known for their outstanding customer service. All you have to do is call the first one you find because they all seem uniformly great,  right?Wrong. Believe it or […]

Preventing Codling Moth Saves Your Backyard Apples

Hobbyist apple growers may dream of eating backyard apples only to discover that worms have overtaken the fruit. The culprit is typically codling moth – and those worms are actually pupating larvae, aka caterpillars. The Codling moth is a common fruit insect, attacks a variety of fruit trees, including apple and pear trees. The female […]