Why Hire a Certified Arborist?

illustration of an arborist engaged in trimming a tree

Why hire a certified arborist? A Certified ISA Arborist goes through stringent training and testing earning the privilege to care for trees for a living and maintain the requisite business licenses and insurance appropriate to professional practitioners.
Certified arborists are trained in the science of tree care, maintenance, and management. It takes years of education, full-time tree care work, and continuing training to become a certified International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) arborist. For expert arborists, it’s their chosen career to care for trees, respond to emergency tree situations, and perform regular maintenance for healthy growth.
During economic downturns, it’s not uncommon for someone to buy a chainsaw and other tree care maintenance products in order to make some extra money. Those who do this often advertise in flyers and online that they can perform tree and lawn services. They may also try to undercut certified arborists and tree care service businesses to get some income. It’s well to remember that in professional services, you do get what you pay for! Many people consider using these untrained arborists because it’s simply cheaper on the wallet, but there are a few reasons hiring an uncertified arborist just isn’t a good idea.
There are many items to consider when deciding to hire an arborist to care for trees. A licensed business requires registration through the state. They follow the laws required to be a valid business. A licensed business also pays taxes – which means it contributes to supporting our community.
Here’s an example of why hiring a certified ISA arborist is a good idea.
When an expert comes to trim your property’s trees, all work must be done by industry-approved safety procedures, so that power lines aren’t disturbed – and your property (or people!) aren’t hurt during the job.
Certified licensed arborists know the importance of having appropriate insurance. They’re also trained to know the dangers surrounding tree care and maintenance. These tree specialists are aware of a home’s assets and potential liability issues, pedestrians, and other environmental considerations such as power lines, underground cables, and pipes. You won’t get that from a drifter with a chainsaw and a ladder!

Hire a Certified ISA Arborist in Denver, Highlands Ranch, Parker, Centennial, Castle Rock, and surrounding metro areas –

Schedule your free property evaluation here or call 303-806-TREE for assistance.

ISA-RMC official badge for certified arborists

David K. Merriman