Deep Root fertilization

illustration of tree showing feeder roots - Deep Root Fertilization and Drought - ArborScape Denver Tree Service blog

Colorado is considered rough terrain for plants and wildlife alike. This is due to our inconsistent climate and tendency to dryness.  Denver has temperatures that range from below zero in the winter,  to 100­°-plus in the summer!  Then dry winds whip across the High Rockies and into the Front Range, leaving only the hardiest plants alive. How can we help our urban jungle survive in a climate like this?

Deep root fertilization, that’s how. Whenever we at ArborScape are called to check on the health and wellness of a tree, we look for proper moisture and root development. If a tree is dry, we factor its stress level, from low to extreme. We’ll recommend deep root fertilization if the tree appears chlorotic, meaning it doesn’t have enough chlorophyll.  This is because deep root fertilization is a proven method to help keep your trees healthy by helping their roots develop.
Deep root fertilization puts fertilizer deep into the soil zone, around 12 inches.

This allows the roots to increase absorption and eliminate evaporation.  This boost in nutrients keeps the tree robust, allowing it to deal with any possible stress easily. This can make your tree less likely to become a victim of bug infestation, fungus, or dieback. Deep Root Fertilization goes straight to the feeder roots. Deep root fertilization uses a compressor pump to shoot air underground breaking up the soil and allowing for water and nutrient-rich material to reach the roots easier.

Like humans, the three most important aspects of a tree’s survival are the intake of water, air, and food.  Deep root fertilization allows for all three to be improved in some way. Timing is a key factor. A new tree does not respond well to deep root fertilization. A tree that is in extreme decline may also need water and light trimming to stabilize it before any nutrients are added.

Deep root fertilization emphasizes cultural practices. It is meant to make your tree strong so they can look good and not become sick or infested.
Deep root fertilization helps make trees healthy and a healthy tree deals with stress better than weak trees.

Ready for a free assessment of your landscape trees?

Click here to schedule or call us at 303-806-TREE.