Category: Tree Care

Stressed Out Tree

Winter tree trimming of fruit trees and other species vulnerable to blight such as, crabapple pear peach apple elm hawthorn Trimming of these trees will begin on January 2nd and commence through the end of February. No need to wait for us to reach out to you if you have already received a free estimate […]

Are your Trees Ready for Winter?

Mature trees that haven’t been trimmed in more than 4 years might be vulnerable to broken branches. This is especially true for ash and maple trees. When we address a trim on mature deciduous trees, it’s really the lateral branches or ones that are parallel to the ground, that need to be thinned especially. These are […]

2018 High Plains Drought Conditions Intensifying

Drought is tightening its grip across the Southwest and High Plains regions as extreme-dry conditions spread throughout the area, per NOAA’s High Plains Regional Climate Center data released May 8th. On the southern high plains, Oklahoma remains ground zero for the worst drought conditions in the United States; about 20 percent of the state is facing “exceptional drought” […]

Questions to Ask When Hiring a Tree Services Company

You’re searching to hire a tree service.Amazingly, everyone advertises that no job is too big or too small. They all have great reviews on Yelp. They’re all known for their outstanding customer service. All you have to do is call the first one you find because they all seem uniformly great,  right?Wrong. Believe it or […]

Preventing Codling Moth Saves Your Backyard Apples

Hobbyist apple growers may dream of eating backyard apples only to discover that worms have overtaken the fruit. The culprit is typically codling moth – and those worms are actually pupating larvae, aka caterpillars. The Codling moth is a common fruit insect, attacks a variety of fruit trees, including apple and pear trees. The female […]

Damaged tree debris disposal

Many of our Denver-area neighbors may have downed branches in the yard or sidewalk – here’s a handy list for major cities detailing how to get branches cleaned up and recycled, and other tree debris disposal.     Need help? Call us at 303-806-TREE or Click here to schedule a little assistance with cleanup! City of ArvadaThe city […]

Why Hire a Certified Arborist?

Why hire a certified arborist? A Certified ISA Arborist goes through stringent training and testing earning the privilege to care for trees for a living and maintain the requisite business licenses and insurance appropriate to professional practitioners.Certified arborists are trained in the science of tree care, maintenance, and management. It takes years of education, full-time […]